Department Background
The Department of Geography was established via Govt. Order. No 237 - HE of 2013 dated 26-04-2013 in EJM College, Leh. Students got enrolled for the first time in the year 2015. First batch passed out in 2018. Total of 750 students enrolled till date, and four batches have already passed out from the department and there is an increasing trend in enrolment since inception.p> Infrastructure available:
Laboratory: Plain Table Survey Equipments, Maps, Charts, Globe.
Telemetry weather Station: Rain Guage, Wind Ross, Temperature and humidity sens0r.
Academic activities:
Evaluation system: class test, assignments, attendance, presentations, response in class, attendance.
Filed trips: to study physical and human geographical aspects.
Surveys: socio-economic survey, project report assessment.
Quiz: Map Quiz contest, General Quiz contest
Screening of relevant documentary films.